Causes of Asphalt Deterioration   

Asphalt is long-lasting and resilient. It is highly used for a lot of pavement applications. It is also the preferred material when it comes to many federal and state road projects. Nevertheless, it is also subject to degradation because of nature. In spite of the high longevity of asphalt pavements, it could be reduced by inferior surface preparation. Poor building techniques and elements exposure are also factors.    

It is natural because the materials in the asphalt are breaking down over time and are affected by the elements like sunlight, chemicals, and rain that touches the paving surface. The asphalt binder serves as the adhesive of the concrete. It will begin to lose natural water resistance over time. Obviously, the asphalt pavement has eroded. Once that happens, several forms of decay are expected.    

Asphalt Deterioration   

Asphalt deterioration may be caused by factors beyond what’s normal. The premature deterioration is typically due to design fault.   

It can be caused by a number of factors, such as poorly compacted base; unsuitable asphalt temperature when applied; and poor drainage. When maintained properly, asphalt wears out gradually. It may last for 25 years. Proper maintenance protects it against external wear factors. Factors affecting asphalt deterioration include:   

1. Water Penetration   

Over time, water will penetrate the asphalt. This happens especially if it doesn’t have adequate maintenance. When water gets inside the asphalt, it will crack, collapse, and crumble. That’s something that contractors want to avoid. Be sure that you understand how asphalt waterproofing works.  

2. Sunlight and Oxidation    

Sunlight and oxidation break down the flexible asphalt that keeps everything together and dries it out. This leads to cracks. It will also make the asphalt shrink and it will cause water to get below the surface. Exposure of chemicals like petroleum, including oil and gas, will soften the surface.   

3. Disruption   

Because of improper asphalt paving construction, deterioration to the asphalt happens. The same goes true with increased load. Distortion of asphalt may also be caused by corrugation, grade depression, shoving, upheaval, and others.    

4. Disintegration   

Asphalt forms potholes due to raveling and oil and gas spillage. Like painting your new house for protection, you also need to cover the asphalt to increase its lifespan. The only way that this precious investment can be guaranteed is by covering the surface with a strong asphalt or charcoal tart sealant. In addition, new asphalt is required to be screened within 90 days after healing and hardening to start protecting it against elements.    

 Preparing the surface is important to make a solid asphalt floor. It is necessary for good seal coating work. Be sure to consult with the best contractors near you to get the results that you always wanted for your home.  They are the ones who can guide through the process and make sure that you get exactly what you envisioned. Driveways are important elements of your home’s curb appeal so you must put extra time in its design and installation. Don’t hesitate to invest in the skills of a qualified asphalt contractor today.